Program Information
Shelter services for youth are referred by law enforcement in Pennington County, Runaway or have the propensity to become runaway, Homeless or have the propensity to become homeless or In the Department of Social Services or Department of Corrections custody.
Reception Center: Youth screening process with recommendations are made for services and programs.
Runaway and Homeless Shelter: Accepts youths who have been referred by self, community agencies, schools, law enforcement, etc. Runaway and homeless youth are eligible to stay up to 21 days. During that time, case management services are provided and attempts are made to connect youth with longer term, more stable living arrangements. This includes screening with the youth to identify needs, community resources, and a discharge plan to help them to have more stability following discharge.
Shelter Care: For youth, referred through Law Enforcement, Pennington County, DSS, or DOC. A short term (30 days or less) group care facility that will assist youth and their parent or guardian through a screening process to identify needs, community resources, and a discharge plan in collaboration with the family and referring agency.
Youth ages 10-17
Disabilities access
Accessible parking, route, and restrooms.
Required Documents
Complete application at reception center.
Application Process
Complete screening at reception center.