Is My Home in a Flood Zone?

Floods are possible anywhere, and may leave minor to devastating damage for anyone in their path.  But people in some areas, called flood zones, are more likely to experience frequent or damaging flood events than others.

There are five levels of flood zones. In the highest risk zones, homeowners with federally backed mortgages must buy flood insurance. So, it helps to know if you live in a place that’s considered a higher risk.

Most people think of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as the agency that responds after a disaster to help communities recover.  FEMA also helps people prepare for natural disasters before they happen.  FEMA prepares flood maps and outlines the different zones show homeowners how to understand and manage their flood risk.

To start, first visit FEMA’s webpage What are Flood Zones and Maps? for a good explanation and frequently asked questions.  Check an address on FEMA’s Flood Map, either where you live or somewhere you are interested in living, to see what zone it is in.

The local Planning and Zoning Office is also a great resource for flood plain information.

For more information on flood preparedness, call 211 or search our online database: 

    • Enter your zip code
      • In the Search for a Specific Program box, enter
        • Emergency management
        • FEMA
        • Department of Equalization
        • Planning and Zoning


Disclaimer: This HelpSheet is developed by the Helpline Center. HelpSheets provide a brief overview of the designated topic. For more information, call 211 or text your zip code to 898211.

Updated: July 2024