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Indian Health Service Clinics

Kyle IHS Health Center Program at Indian Health Service

Kyle Site
An ambulatory care center with outpatient services. Services include d ental care, m ental health services, p ublic health nurse, e nvironmental health care, o ptometry, l aboratory, r adiology, p harmacy ( Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS), p odiatry, HIV Clinic, SANE services, and Fitness Center.

An ambulatory care center with outpatient services. Services include dental care, mental health services, public health nurse, environmental health care, optometry, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy (Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS), podiatry, HIV Clinic, SANE services, and Fitness Center.


1000 Health Center Road
Kyle, SD 57752

Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center Program at Indian Health Service

Sisseton Site
The Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center is accredited by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization, Inc. (JCAHO) serving Native American people living in or near Roberts County. Services include Behavioral Health, Dental, Diabetes Care, Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, Laboratory, Nursing, Radiology, Optometry, Pharmacy ( Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free...

The Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center is accredited by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization, Inc. (JCAHO) serving Native American people living in or near Roberts County.

Services include Behavioral Health, Dental, Diabetes Care, Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, Laboratory, Nursing, Radiology, Optometry, Pharmacy (Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS), Primary Care, Public Health Nursing, Physical Therapy, Specialty Clinic (OB/GYN), Weight Loss/Nutrition, Well Child Care, Men/Women's Health, and Medication Disposal.


100 Lake Traverse Drive
Sisseton, SD 57262

Flandreau Santee Sioux IHS / Tribal Health Clinic Program at Indian Health Service

Flandreau Site
The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribal Health Department is a full range ambulatory facility serving Native American people living in or near Moody County. Services include m edical, d ental, p harmacy ( Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS), Optometry, w ellness center, d iabetes program, b ehavioral health, p hysical therapy, f ull scale lab services, and r...

The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribal Health Department is a full range ambulatory facility serving Native American people living in or near Moody County.

Services include medical, dental, pharmacy (Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS), Optometry, wellness center, diabetes program, behavioral health, physical therapy, full scale lab services, and radiology.


603 W. Broad Avenue
Flandreau, SD 57028

Flandreau Santee Sioux IHS/Tribal Behavioral Health Center Program at Indian Health Service

Flandreau Site
The Counseling Center offers the following services (all services based on eligibility and priority needs): Substance abuse services include s creening, intake, e valuation, r eferrals, a ftercare, p rimary prevention programs, e ducation, MRT/SBISA classes, and g roup counseling. Mental health services include c ouples therapy, family therapy, individual therapy, group therapy, Education, Referrals, and Psychological evaluations and services.

The Counseling Center offers the following services (all services based on eligibility and priority needs):

Substance abuse services include screening, intake, evaluation, referrals, aftercare, primary prevention programs, education, MRT/SBISA classes, and group counseling.

Mental health services include couples therapy, family therapy, individual therapy, group therapy, Education, Referrals, and Psychological evaluations and services.


603 W. Broad Avenue
Flandreau, SD 57028

Delta Dental Mobile Program Program at South Dakota Urban Indian Health

Delta Dental Mobile Program at Sioux Falls - N. West Avenue
Delta Dental's mobile truck provides quality care to children from first tooth through age 21 who can't afford or access a dentist. Service is provided at no cost to the family, and no insurance is necessary. The van travels to different communities, and is not an ongoing service (typically happens 1 or 2 times a year at a location).
Delta Dental's mobile truck provides quality care to children from first tooth through age 21 who can't afford or access a dentist. Service is provided at no cost to the family, and no insurance is necessary.

The van travels to different communities, and is not an ongoing service (typically happens 1 or 2 times a year at a location).


1200 N. West Avenue
South Dakota Urban Indian Health Clinic
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Medical Services Program at South Dakota Urban Indian Health

Sioux Falls - N. West Avenue
Provides fully integrated medical and behavioral health care services and is a designated Primary Care Provider for Medicaid and Medicaid Health Home. Services provided include: HIV Prevention, women's health, All Women Count, s chool / sport / commercial driver license (CDL) physicals, c hild and infant care, adult care, immunizations, c omprehensive diabetes care including educational classes and foot care, d iabetes partners program, c ase...
Provides fully integrated medical and behavioral health care services and is a designated Primary Care Provider for Medicaid and Medicaid Health Home. Services provided include: HIV Prevention, women's health, All Women Count, school / sport / commercial driver license (CDL) physicals, child and infant care, adult care, immunizations, comprehensive diabetes care including educational classes and foot care, diabetes partners program, case management, chronic disease management, medication assisted therapy, treatment needs assessments, and patient navigators. Transportation is available for current patients if needed.


1200 N. West Avenue
South Dakota Urban Indian Health Clinic
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
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