LGBTQI Helplines
PFLAG National Program at PFLAG
Washington DC Site
Safe Space Program at Helpline Center
No Physical Address
The Safe Space project is aimed at getting mental health resources to youth and young adults in the LGBTQIA+ community. The website provides support sheets, community resources, university resources and links.
Suicide and Crisis Prevention Hotlines Program at The Trevor Project
West Hollywood Site
TrevorChat - A free, confidential, secure instant messaging service for LGBTQ youth that provides live help from trained volunteer counselors 24/7. Visit to start.
TrevorText - A free, confidential, secure service in which LGBTQ young people can text a trained Trevor counselor for support and crisis intervention 24/7. Text START to 678678 to begin.
Suicide Prevention Hotline Program at Trans Lifeline
San Francisco Site
Goals and objectives for Trans Life are working to end transgender suicide and improve overall mental health of transgender people through education, advocacy, and direct service;empowers trans people to help one another, and to shape their collective efforts by drawing upon the wealth of individual experiences, and provides compassionate care free of stigma around mental health, transgender status, and other factors of sex and/or gender, race, ethnicity, class background or income/wealth, ability, or any factors not specifically named.
ID Change Resource Library Program at Trans Lifeline
ID Change Resource Library at San Francisco Site
Providing a readily accessible database of all local and national information surrounding ID changes in one place - including Tribal IDs, immigration documents, military documents, and name changes for people with previous criminal records.
This living library contains multiple tables ranging from federal to county information about name and gender marker changes and ID documents.