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Immigration/Naturalization Services

United States Department of Homeland Security Program at United States Department of Homeland Security

Washington Site
The Department of Homeland Security was formed after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as part of a national effort to safeguard the United States against terrorism. Missions include p reventing terrorism and enhancing security, m anaging borders, a dministering immigration laws, s ecuring cyberspace, and e nsuring disaster resilience. Oversees U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services...

The Department of Homeland Security was formed after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as part of a national effort to safeguard the United States against terrorism. Missions include preventing terrorism and enhancing security, managing borders, administering immigration laws, securing cyberspace, and ensuring disaster resilience.

Oversees U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, Federal Protective Services, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Secret Service, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).


245 Murray Lane S.W.
Washington, DC 20528

Glacial Lakes Multicultural Center, Inc. Program at Glacial Lakes Multicultural Center, Inc.

Watertown Site
Translation & Interpretation (For jobs, medical/dental appointments, court services, schools, community services). Workforce Placement (providing inroads & assistance to immigrants entering the SD workforce or changing careers). Immigration Services (documentation assistance, transportation, citizenship coaching). Language Education (English as a second language 'ESL' & Spanish classes). Advocacy (referrals and resource connections). Household...

Translation & Interpretation (For jobs, medical/dental appointments, court services, schools, community services).

Workforce Placement (providing inroads & assistance to immigrants entering the SD workforce or changing careers).

Immigration Services (documentation assistance, transportation, citizenship coaching).

Language Education (English as a second language 'ESL' & Spanish classes).

Advocacy (referrals and resource connections).

Household Needs (Furniture, bedding, etc.).


653 W. Kemp
Watertown, SD 57201

Caminando Juntos - Presentation Sisters Hispanic Ministry Center Program at Presentation Sisters

Sioux Falls Site
Accompanies newly arrived Latinos as they seek to understand U.S. cultural norms and expectations, overcome language barriers, and integrate into Sioux Falls and surrounding communities. Develops educational opportunities that include English language learning for adults, citizenship preparation, and other opportunities to advance. Offers support to Latinos affected by domestic violence through providing resources, accompaniment, and assessment...
Accompanies newly arrived Latinos as they seek to understand U.S. cultural norms and expectations, overcome language barriers, and integrate into Sioux Falls and surrounding communities.

Develops educational opportunities that include English language learning for adults, citizenship preparation, and other opportunities to advance.

Offers support to Latinos affected by domestic violence through providing resources, accompaniment, and assessment of immigration options.

Provides an Immigration Program that is recognized and accredited by the U.S. Department of Justice, and that offers competent, professional and affordable immigration counseling and legal services to Latino individuals and families.

Accompanies and educates Latinos while assisting them in accessing social, medical, dental, legal, employment and other services available in Sioux Falls and the tri-state region.

Partners with other agencies in the Sioux Falls area by advocating and collaboratively advancing bicultural and bilingual awareness and services.

Upholds and promotes the dignity and human rights of Latino immigrants through advocacy and justice.

Partners with local/regional/national agencies and advocates to educate the public and address immigration issues and legislation.


311 E. 14th Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Center for New Americans Program at Lutheran Social Services - Southeast Region

Center for New Americans and Donations at Sioux Falls - E. 6th Street
Refugee resettlement agency, assisting newly arriving refugees and asylees with the transition of moving to a new land. Services include case management, employment services, education services, English language training, community orientation, and information and referral. May assist clients for up to five years. Provides cultural and diversity training to employers, businesses, agencies, and church groups. Also provides immigration counseling...

Refugee resettlement agency, assisting newly arriving refugees and asylees with the transition of moving to a new land. Services include case management, employment services, education services, English language training, community orientation, and information and referral. May assist clients for up to five years. Provides cultural and diversity training to employers, businesses, agencies, and church groups. Also provides immigration counseling and interpreter services.

The Center for New Americans also has some services available for other immigrants who have come to the United States by choice, sometimes for the same reasons as refugees. Services provided for immigrants include English language training, immigration services, and citizenship classes.


300 E. 6th Street
Center for New Americans
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Program at United States Department of Homeland Security

Omaha Site
Services include: a pplying for and renewing a green card;a Guide to Naturalization;a pplying for citizenship;resources for studying for the test and taking a practice test. Other services include a sylum offices and a pplication support centers which provide fingerprinting and related services Common various forms including the Application for Naturalization, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, Application for Replacement...

Services include: applying for and renewing a green card;a Guide to Naturalization;applying for citizenship;resources for studying for the test and taking a practice test.

Other services include asylum offices and application support centers which provide fingerprinting and related services

Common various forms including the Application for Naturalization, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship Document and the Request for a Hearing on a Decision in Naturalization Proceedings are available on the website.


1717 Avenue E.
USCIS Field Office
Omaha, NE 68110