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Disability Awareness Programs

Benefits Planning and Counseling Services Program at Black Hills Special Services Cooperative

Sioux Falls Site
Provides education and tools to empower & encourage people in the state of South Dakota receiving Supplemental Security Income(SSI) & Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to re-establish their self-sufficiency. Works with people who receiving SSI and SSDI benefits who are working or considering returning to work. Information is provided on available work incentives so beneficiaries can make informed choices about work and receive...

Provides education and tools to empower & encourage people in the state of South Dakota receiving Supplemental Security Income(SSI) & Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to re-establish their self-sufficiency. Works with people who receiving SSI and SSDI benefits who are working or considering returning to work. Information is provided on available work incentives so beneficiaries can make informed choices about work and receive the support they need for a successful transition to self-sufficiency. Individuals must be between 14 years of age and full retirement age.


811 E. 10th Street
Department 21
Pierre, SD 57103

Tourette Syndrome Awareness and Advocacy Program at Tourette Association of America

Bayside Site
The Tourette Association is dedicated to making life better for all people affected by Tourette and Tic Disorders. Goals and objectives include r aising public awareness and fostering social acceptance, w orking to advance scientific understanding, treatment options and care, e ducating professionals to better serve the needs of children, adults and families challenged by Tourette and Tic Disorders, a dvocating for public policies and services...
The Tourette Association is dedicated to making life better for all people affected by Tourette and Tic Disorders. Goals and objectives include raising public awareness and fostering social acceptance, working to advance scientific understanding, treatment options and care, educating professionals to better serve the needs of children, adults and families challenged by Tourette and Tic Disorders, advocating for public policies and services that promote positive school, work and social environments, providing help, hope and a supportive community across the nation, and empowering our community to deal with the complexities of this spectrum of disorders.


42-40 Bell Boulevard, Suite 507
Bayside, NY 11361

Resource Center Program at United Spinal Association

Kew Gardens Site
Providing information and resources to meet the needs of i ndividuals who have spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D), t heir families and friends, t he medical and scientific community, s ervice and business professionals, t he media, s tudents, g overnment and elected officials, and i nterested members of the public. Extensive Chapter and support group network nationwide provides local guidance and support to individuals living with SCI/D...
Providing information and resources to meet the needs of individuals who have spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D), their families and friends, the medical and scientific community, service and business professionals, the media, students, government and elected officials, and interested members of the public.

Extensive Chapter and support group network nationwide provides local guidance and support to individuals living with SCI/D, their families, friends, and caregivers.


120-34 Queens Boulevard, Suite 330
Kew Gardens, NY 11415

Huntington's Disease Information Program at Huntington's Disease Society of America

New York Site
HDSA, with its headquarters in New York City, currently has 54 volunteer-led Chapters and Affiliates across the United States. Chapters and Affiliates support HDSA's mission by bringing community-based services, awareness and grassroots fundraising to strengthen resources to families affected by HD.
HDSA, with its headquarters in New York City, currently has 54 volunteer-led Chapters and Affiliates across the United States. Chapters and Affiliates support HDSA's mission by bringing community-based services, awareness and grassroots fundraising to strengthen resources to families affected by HD.


505 Eighth Avenue, Suite 902
New York, NY 10018

Education and Support Services Program at Attention Deficit Disorder Association

No Physical Site
Provides information, resources, and networking opportunities to help adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder lead better lives. Services also available for professionals who serve adults with ADD/ADHD.
Provides information, resources, and networking opportunities to help adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder lead better lives. Services also available for professionals who serve adults with ADD/ADHD.


No Physical Address
Denver, PA 17517

Hotline for Air Travelers with Disabilities Program at United States Department of Transportation

Washington Site
Provides general information to consumers about the rights of air travelers with disabilities, responds to requests for printed consumer information, and assists air travelers with time sensitive disability-related issues that need to be addressed in real time.

Provides general information to consumers about the rights of air travelers with disabilities, responds to requests for printed consumer information, and assists air travelers with time sensitive disability-related issues that need to be addressed in real time.


1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
Washington, DC 20590
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