Sexual Assault Hotlines
Child Sexual Abuse Hotline Program at Stop It Now!
Northampton Site
The helpline provides a place for concerned individuals to talk through a situation and explore the available options as well as gather information. The helpline is confidential and caller id is not utilized. The helpline receives inquiries from people sexually abusing children, people at risk to abuse, family/friends of abusers, family/friends of victims, family/friends of adults at-risk to abuse, adult survivors, as well as general information requests.
Confidential Youth Helpline Program at Stop It Now!
No Physical Address
24/7 Hotline Program at Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network
Washington Site
Support is also available via the online hotline in English at and in Spanish at
Domestic Violence Shelter Program at Wac'ang'a, Inc.
Sisseton Site
Provides confidential service to all individuals who have experienced domestic violence and sexual assault, including 24-hour crisis line, Support groups, Support in court, Assistance with restraining orders and orders for protection, Community education, including: in-services and workshops on domestic violence to any group, information and referrals, and assistance with legal, medical, social, and other services such as advocacy, safe shelter, transportation, food, and clothing.
Domestic Violence Shelter Program at Beacon Center
Watertown Site
A domestic violence shelter that offers 24-hour crisis line for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Other services include:
- Support groups
- Court advocacy
- Shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking along with their children
- Crisis counseling
- Rape crisis services
- Protection orders
- Supervised visitation
- Neutral exchanges
- Food pantry
- Common Sense Parenting and Birth to Three Responsive Parenting Classes
- Life Skills Training
- Transportation - Watertown Transit available by appointment
Works with a local animal clinic to provide safe shelter for pets. Each case is addressed individually and based on whether or not the clinic is able to house the animal or not.
Domestic Violence Shelter Program at Wholeness Center
Flandreau Site
Services include immediate 24-hour shelter and crisis hotline, crisis intervention, Legal advocacy: assistance in obtaining domestic abuse and stalking protection orders, and courtroom advocacy, medical advocacy, referral services: assistance in accessing community resources, i.e., housing, employment, financial needs, public education and outreach, information packets, and limited financial assistance.
All services are free and confidential. The Wholeness Center is a member program of the South Dakota Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault.