- Housing / Shelter
- Housing Counseling
- Low Income Subsidized Rental Housing
- Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses (For Substance Abuse)
- Subsidized Home Purchase
- Transitional Housing/Shelter (For Homelessness Issues)
- Veteran Homes
- Furniture
- Home Accessibility Modifications/Adaptations for People with Disabilities
- Home Rehabilitation Programs (Major Home Repairs)
- Housing Search and Information
- Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
- Weatherization
- Domestic Violence Shelter
- Homeless Shelter
Homeless Shelter
Temporary Housing Program at Wacinyan Tipi
Sisseton Site
Temporary residence for homeless individuals and their families. The length of stay is 90-days, in which residents are to apply for housing, find a job, and save up for deposits needed.
Veteran Re-Entry Services and Support Program at Watertown Sea of Goodwill
Watertown Site
The Sea of Goodwill is one place that will have a list of all the various official and unofficial support services available to help veterans.
This program helps veterans find assistance in the areas of;employment, housing, financial assistance, and mental and physical health needs.
Available 24 hours per day, the Watertown Police Department 911 Center serves as the call center for the Sea of Goodwill.
Emergency Services Program at Fallout Shelter Ministries
Watertown Site
Emergency housing is available for victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault, or other emergency needs. Emergency housing can last up from 1 day to 7 days.
Emergency/urgent secure transportation is available for at risk people.
Also offers self-defense and martial arts classes.
South Dakota Housing for Homeless Consortium Coordinated Entry System Program at South Dakota Housing Development Authority
Watertown Site
CES is an assessment and referral system to housing resources for those who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. It is not a direct application for assistance;rather trained assessors gather information from households to assess needs and barriers to housing. Referrals are sent to providers in communities where vacancies are available.
Households can access CES through a physical access point or calling toll free 1-800-664-1349 if a physical access point is not available in their local community.
612 Flats Program at Watertown Cares, Inc.
Watertown Site
Emergency Services Program at The Salvation Army Watertown
Emergency Services at Watertown - 621 4th Street S.E.
- Rental assistance
- Utility assistance
- Prescription assistance
- Rooms, meals, bus tickets, and gas for transients
- Clothing, household, and furniture vouchers for the thrift store