General Disaster Information
Emergency Management Program at Grant County
Emergency Management at Milbank - 210 E. 5th Avenue
Provides information and assistance to the Grant County Commission, to municipalities, and individuals on matters pertaining to response, recovery, mitigation, preparedness and other Emergency Management issues. Assists in the management of emergency situations. Assists with the disaster declaration process and works with State Emergency Management and FEMA during the response and recovery effort.
County Emergency Managers can make contact with volunteer fire departments in their County.
Emergency Management Program at Roberts County
Emergency Management at Sisseton - 11924 BIA Highway 700
The Emergency Management Department is responsible for the following - Coordinates all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disasters, terrorism, technological, or man-made events.
Responsibilities include developing and maintaining the county plan for reacting to emergencies;during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action;and trains other agencies to respond to emergencies. County Emergency Managers can make contact with volunteer fire departments in their county.
This is not an emergency first response organization. If you are in immediate danger please call 9-1-1.
Emergency Management Program at Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Tribe
Emergency Management at Sisseton - BIA Highway 711
The following Programs and Departments fall under the Emergency Management Department:
- Lake Traverse Utility Commission
- LTUC assists and provides water and sewer services to individual homes throughout Lake Traverse Tribal Land
- Service Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Phone Number: (605) 698-4211
- Tribal Roads
- Tribal Roads provides snow removal/ice control in the winter months also constructs and maintains all tribal roads and individual homeowners driveways which includes the 7 districts.
- Phone Number: (605) 698-4153
- Law Enforcement
- Food Distribution
- Provides food packages to low-income families in Marshall, Day and Roberts counties, and also to Tribal members in surrounding counties.
- Location: East of the Tribal Headquarters
- 1st & 3rd week of each month
- 8:00am - 4:30pm
- 2nd week of each month - is District Distribution
- 8:00am - 4:30pm
- Last week of each month:
- Closed for incoming shipments, restocking, inventory and monthly reports.
- Natural Resources
Emergency Management Program at Deuel County
Emergency Management at Clear Lake - 408 4th Street W.
Services provided include coordination of all agencies within the jurisdiction to include public, private, and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of life and property in the event of threatened or actual natural disasters, terrorism, technological, or man-made events. Responsibilities includes development and maintenance of the county plan for reacting to emergencies;during an actual emergency, the director coordinates the action;and trains other agencies to respond to emergencies. County emergency Managers can make contact with volunteer fire departments in their County. This is not an emergency first response organization. If you are in immediate danger please call 911.
Emergency Management Program at Marshall County
Emergency Management at Britton - Vander Horck Street
Works with government agencies, nonprofits, private companies, and the general public to develop effective plans that minimize damage and disruptions during an emergency. Emergency Management is also responsible for planning and leading the responses to natural and man made disasters and other emergencies as well as working as a liaison between the county and state and federal partners.
Emergency Management Program at Codington County
Emergency Management at Watertown - 1st Avenue S.E.
Provides information and assistance to the Codington County Commission, to municipalities, and individuals on matters pertaining to response, recovery, mitigation, preparedness and other Emergency Management issues. Assists in the management of emergency situations. Assists with the disaster declaration process and works with State Emergency Management and FEMA during the response and recovery effort.
This office can assist in handling questions pertaining to floodplains. Another resource is:
- First District Association of Local Government
- 418 18th Street Avenue N.E.
- (605) 882-5115