Post Disaster Mental Health Services
Disaster Distress Helpline Program at Vibrant Emotional Health
New York Site
The Disaster Distress Helpline (funded by SAMHSA) is a hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. This crisis support service is for anyone experiencing emotional distress related to disasters such as:
- Tornadoes and Severe Storms
- Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
- Floods
- Wildfires
- Earthquakes
- Drought
- Incidents of Mass Violence
- Anniversaries and Trigger Events
This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 via telephone and text 800- 985-5990 to residents in the U.S. and its territories experiencing emotional distress related to natural or man-made disasters.
Interpretation services are available via a 3rd party interpreter in over 200 languages.
Disaster Services Program at The Salvation Army Watertown
Watertown Site
Is a member of SD VOAD Agencies (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters).
Disaster Services Program at The Salvation Army Brookings
Brookings Site
Providing shelter, feeding sites, distribution of goods, and casework in a time of disaster.
A member of SD VOAD Agencies (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters).
Post Disaster Counseling Services Program at Sioux Empire Critical Incident Stress Management Network
Sioux Falls Site
Assists emergency personnel in dealing with the most stressful aspects of their occupation.
Assists participants in understanding thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that occurred during and after an incident. Services are a confidential opportunity to speak freely about the incident, it is not group therapy or a critique of the event. CISM can promote a more rapid recovery from the incident and facilitates normal integration back into home and work routines.
Care Center Program at Center of Hope
Sioux Falls Site
The Care Center is the hub of many resources at the Center of Hope. Services provided include:
- Computers and phone/fax
- Guests can use, at no charge, for resume and employment/job searching
- Pastoral Care
- Individuals can receive one on one counseling with the pastoral team, including getting connected with the Earn-Your-Way program
Weekly programs include:
- Wednesday
- 9:30am - 11:00am, - Women's Coffee Break and Men's Life Bible study groups (During the school year)
- Tuesday
- 9:30am - Transition to Transformed Bible Study, lead by Center of Hope staff at the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House.
Disaster Services Program at The Salvation Army of Sioux Falls
Disaster Services at Sioux Falls - 800 N. Cliff Avenue
Sheltering, feeding sites, distribution of goods, and casework in a time of disaster.
In times of disaster, sometimes, flood kits are available.
Is a member of SD VOAD Agencies (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters).