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Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance

Financial Assistance for Military Families Program at American Red Cross

No Physical Address
The American Red Cross works in partnership with Military Aid Societies to provide financial assistance to eligible applicants. Assistance can include funds for emergency travel, burial of a loved one, emergency food and shelter, etc. The Aid Societies determine the financial assistance package that will be offered through a grant or a loan.

The American Red Cross works in partnership with Military Aid Societies to provide financial assistance to eligible applicants. Assistance can include funds for emergency travel, burial of a loved one, emergency food and shelter, etc. The Aid Societies determine the financial assistance package that will be offered through a grant or a loan.


No Physical Address

Auditor & Welfare Office Program at Roberts County

Sisseton - 2nd Avenue E.
Auditor services include a uditing of all financial records of the County, a pportioning of taxes collected by the Treasurer to be disbursed to the Schools, Cities, and other special assessment entities, County accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgets, and tax levy, Beer and liquor licensing, County liens, Recorder of the minutes for the Board of County Commissioners, Maintains all voter records, and Administers all elections at...

Auditor services include auditing of all financial records of the County, apportioning of taxes collected by the Treasurer to be disbursed to the Schools, Cities, and other special assessment entities, County accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgets, and tax levy, Beer and liquor licensing, County liens, Recorder of the minutes for the Board of County Commissioners, Maintains all voter records, and Administers all elections at the county level or above.

Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply.

Based on eligibility guidelines, Welfare services include medical assistance and burial and funeral assistance.


411 2nd Avenue E.
Sisseton, SD 57262

Welfare Program at Marshall County

Welfare at Britton - S. Main
Provides medical, hospitalization, and burial assistance to low income clients per statute. Any non-emergency medical treatment requires pre-approval. If applying for rental or utility assistance, all other resources must have been exhausted first. Economic assistance is for current amounts only. No payment for deposits of any kind. Assistance does require payback and a county lien is filed until paid in full.

Provides medical, hospitalization, and burial assistance to low income clients per statute. Any non-emergency medical treatment requires pre-approval.

If applying for rental or utility assistance, all other resources must have been exhausted first.

  • Economic assistance is for current amounts only.
  • No payment for deposits of any kind.
  • Assistance does require payback and a county lien is filed until paid in full.


909 S. Main
Britton, SD 57430

Community Services Program at Codington County

Watertown - 7 W. Kemp Avenue
Strives to help county residents facing a possible financial crisis resolve the issue and prevent future financial problems first through Case Management, especially for people who are homeless or at risk to be homeless. Assess the situation and make a plan to address issues Connect families and individuals to community resources Follow up with individuals to provide support Provides limited financial assistance as a last resort for those...

Strives to help county residents facing a possible financial crisis resolve the issue and prevent future financial problems first through Case Management, especially for people who are homeless or at risk to be homeless.

  • Assess the situation and make a plan to address issues
  • Connect families and individuals to community resources
  • Follow up with individuals to provide support

Provides limited financial assistance as a last resort for those considered indigent and are residents of Codington County. The office may be able to help with:

  • Homelessness
  • Eviction prevention
  • Utility disconnects
  • Burials (must be referred by the funeral home)
  • Medical costs (emergency only)

Individuals should call or email to request an assessment.


7 W. Kemp Avenue
Watertown, SD 57201

Welfare Office Program at Day County

Webster - 711 W. 1st Street
This office offers the following emergency assistance - Economic Assistance (i.e. Rent, Utility shut-offs disconnects), Medical Assistance, and Burial Assistance.

This office offers the following emergency assistance - Economic Assistance (i.e. Rent, Utility shut-offs disconnects), Medical Assistance, and Burial Assistance.


711 W. 1st Street
Webster, SD 57274

Human Services Office Program at Brookings County

Human Services Office at Brookings - 3rd Street
Provides limited emergency financial assistance as a last resort for those considered indigent and are residents of Brookings County. The office may help with r ent, u tilities, p rescriptions, e mergency medical expenses, c ounty burials and funerals, e ye care referrals, and a dmittance fees for voluntary mental, alcohol, or drug treatment to the Human Services Center in Yankton, SD.
Provides limited emergency financial assistance as a last resort for those considered indigent and are residents of Brookings County. The office may help with rent, utilities, prescriptions, emergency medical expenses, county burials and funerals, eye care referrals, and admittance fees for voluntary mental, alcohol, or drug treatment to the Human Services Center in Yankton, SD.


520 3rd Street, Suite 330
Brookings, SD 57006
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